
It’s not every day a girl gets to inaugurate her new author website with a win, but thanks to Tara Sparling at Tara Sparling writes and her Estimable, Impartial and Utterly Respectable Guest Judge, Katie Purcell (with or without the B) has done just that!

Yes, I am chuffed and honoured that  my modest attempt to channel James Joyce was announced as the winner of the Flash Fiction Book Generator Title Competition, particularly I am sure it had to scramble over a heap of other fantastic entries to get to the top.

And don’t worry, I have it from a number of reliable sources that violent spinning in his grave can’t actually harm a dead Irish literary giant – well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

Tara and Estimable Guest Judge  – I thank you again – along with my mother, bless her souls (both of them), my father, 265 of my nearest relatives, my cat, my dog, my dead cat, my dead dog, my other dead dog, my sister’s dead cat(s), etc, etc… [bursts into tears and blows nose loudly].

Yipee, I’m a winner!!

One thought on “Winner!

  1. A well-deserved win Katie – I can’t believe this is your first win. It was a cracking piece of flash. Well done. The Estimable Guest Judge and I are pleased you’re pleased 😉


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